City Council Goals - City Manager's Office
City Council Goals
A special City Council Goal Setting Meeting took place on January 26, 2023. The goal setting process assists policy leaders in developing a future focus, discussing issues and opportunities facing the community, setting strategic direction, and determining priorities.
Council goal setting also provides a clear message to City staff as to what the Council aims to accomplish in the upcoming planning period. The Council discussed and ranked their priorities below for the upcoming year:
City Services
Reduce employee vacancy rate by 25%, recruit and retain quality employees – 3 votes
- Take an innovative, proactive, and equitable approach to City governance – 1 vote
- Maintain a balanced General Fund budget – 1 vote
- Fully embrace diversity, equity and inclusion at the City level
- Modernize processes like 311, agile systems, permitting
- Improve City/School District collaboration
- Raise wages – 1 vote
- Media industry jobs fair – 1 vote
- Economic sustainability, diversity and innovation – 1 vote
- Require locally hired, skilled and trained workforce – 1 vote
- Assist small businesses – 1 vote
- Economic viability of Burbank Town Center
- Streamline business permit process
- Stronger relationship with media industry partners
- Revitalize Downtown
- Develop Magnolia Park infrastructure
- Renter protections and resources, including education on AB1482 and other laws – 4 votes
- Open tiny homes/shelter/homelessness center; streamline homelessness efforts – 3 votes
- Implement pre-approved ADU floorplans – 2 votes
- Increase home ownership; increase rental and ownership opportunities – 2 votes
- Prioritize housing for workforce, families, seniors, disabled – 1 vote
- Approve plans for safe overnight parking
- Reduce number of people experiencing homelessness by 20-25%
- Expand mental health services
- Meet affordable housing needs
- Update the General Plan
- Implement local inspection program and buffer zones for gun stores – 2 votes
- Progress plans for a state-of-the-art library/civic center – 1 vote
- Increase safety for residents walking, shopping, etc – 1 vote
- Improve quality of life with more community events and dog parks – 1 vote
- Invest in equestrian services – 1 vote
- Increase visibility, support and access to arts and creative endeavors – 1 vote
- Support environmental sustainability and regeneration; reduce emissions – 3 votes
- Implement Citywide single-use plastics prohibition – 2 votes
- Require 100% electrification of new construction – 1 vote
- Accelerate the move to renewable energy
- Plant more trees
- Support an accessible, equitable and safe multimodal transportation network including pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian mobility – 2 votes
- Increase use of public transportation without loss of lanes on Olive – 1 vote
- Design full service neighborhoods where residents can meet needs by walking/biking – 1 vote
- Implement Vision Zero/create a Vision Zero task force – 1 vote