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Historic Preservation Planning

Historic Preservation Planning

Find Out if Your Property or Neighborhood is Eligible For Historic Designation

Is your property eligible for designation as a Historic Resource?

If your individual property meets at least one of the following criteria, it may be eligible for designation as a Historic Resource.

  • It is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of Burbank’s or California's history and cultural heritage.
  • It is associated with the lives of persons important in the past.
  • It embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or represents the work of an important creative individual, or possesses high artistic values.
  • It has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history.

For more information about the designation process, please review the Application for Designation as a Historic Place or Structure of Merit (PDF) or view the following handout:


  • Owners must maintain the property in good condition.
  • Owners must apply for a permit to alter or remove a Historic Resource. Permits are needed in order to move, change the appearance of, make alterations to, demolish, or construct additions. Exceptions may be available for: ordinary maintenance, public safety, and economic hardship.


  • Protects the property for future generations to enjoy.
  • Maintains the unique character of your neighborhood.
  • It’s green! Designation prevents additional waste going to landfills and reduces the need for new building materials.
  • Once a property is officially designated, an owner may be eligible to apply for a Mills Act contract, which gives property tax savings in exchange for a 10 year commitment to restore a historic property.

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Contact Information

For more information about the City of Burbank's Historic Preservation Program, please contact the Planning Division at (818) 238-5250.

Location, Hours, & Contact information
Community Services Building
150 N. Third Street
Burbank, CA 91502
Public Counter Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m