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Burbank Channel Bikeway

Burbank Channel Bikeway

Burbank Channel Bikeway is a one-mile Class-I (off-street) bicycle and pedestrian path that runs along the Burbank Western Flood Control Channel, a tributary of the Los Angeles River.  Phase I of the Project (segment between Alameda Avenue and Victory Boulevard) was completed in 2011. 
In 2021, the City of Burbank completed construction for Phase II of the project, which extended the bicycle and pedestrian path from the Downtown Metrolink Station to Alameda Avenue.

Map of the route (PDF)

This project was primarily funded through capital grant funds provided by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro).

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Community Survey Results

The City of Burbank asked for local input on the design of the Burbank Channel Bikeway Project.  A survey was mailed to nearby residents and was also made available online during the last week of January and the first week of February 2014.  The results of the survey were presented at the second community meeting held on February 26th, 2014.  Below are the results of the survey. 

Survey Summary (PDF)

Detailed Survey Result (PDF)


If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact (818) 238-5290 or [email protected].

For archival purposes, view the Request for Proposals (PDF) for consultant services on the original design phase of the project.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about the project, please give us a call at (818) 238-5290 or contact us via email at [email protected].