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Rancho Providencia Neighborhood Protection Plan Update

About the Rancho Providencia Neighborhood Protection Plan Update

The Rancho Providencia Neighborhood Protection Plan (NPP) was adopted in 1998 as a response to traffic, speeding, and parking impacts from Studios and Commercial Development. The NPP paved the way for several improvements, including gateway medians, intersection reconfigurations, street trees, crosswalk treatments, and preferential parking for the neighborhood bound by West Olive Avenue, Victory Boulevard, South Main Street, West Alameda Avenue and North Buena Vista Street.

City Council directed staff to update the 1998 Rancho Providencia NPP to reflect changes to the City’s development and traffic patterns over that time. The City gathered changes in cut-through traffic, determined affected locations, and developed a plan update with traffic engineering recommendations to address those issues. 

City Council adopted the Rancho Providencia Neighborhood Protection Plan Update on December 5, 2023, including a Mitigated Negative Declaration, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
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Rancho Providencia NPP

Neighborhood Protection Plan Documents

Rancho Providencia NPP Area (PDF)
Rancho Providencia NPP (adopted August 18, 1998) (PDF)
Rancho Providencia NPP Final Report (Adopted October 2, 2001) (PDF)
Rancho Providencia NPP Update (Adopted December 5, 2023) (PDF)
Rancho Providencia Neighborhood Protection Plan Update Appendices

Environmental Review

The City of Burbank adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the CEQA Guidelines (Public Resources Code, Division 13 and California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3) evaluating the potential environmental impacts of the Burbank’s Rancho Providencia Neighborhood Protection Plan (NPP) Update. It was adopted with the plan update on December 5, 2023. 

Rancho Providencia Neighborhood Protection Plan Update Mitigated Negative Declaration (PDF)

City Council Presentation Materials

Contact Information

For more information, please call the main Transportation number at (818) 238-5290 or e-mail [email protected]