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Fleet and Building Maintenance

Fleet & Building Maintenance

The Fleet and Building Maintenance Division maintains and repairs all General Government City-owned equipment and buildings (non-BWP). 

The Fleet Services Section repairs a diverse range of conventional and alternative-fueled vehicles and equipment, including police, heavy duty, utility, and passenger vehicles.

The Building Maintenance Section performs maintenance, repair, and improvements of all City-owned facilities and includes the Carpentry, Paint, and Construction and Maintenance shops. This section also includes the Construction group, which manages the design and construction of Capital Improvement Projects, programmatic capital, and life cycle programs.

The Custodial Services Section cleans and sanitizes all civic center buildings, recreation and adult centers, and the City Yard facilities.

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Public Works Field Services Yard
124 S. Lake Street
Burbank, CA 91502
Monday through Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.