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Resources for Pet Owners

Low-Cost Vaccine Clinics

Low cost vaccines offered at $16 each as well as $10 microchips, for dogs and cats only. Call (818) 238-3340 to schedule your appointment. An appointment is required. Clinics resume in 2024.

The Burbank Animal Shelter does not endorse the organizations listed below. They are listed here for informational purposes.

Adopt-a-Pet.com is a simple, reliable, free program to help you place your pet from your loving home directly to another.

Donates towards partial costs of spay/neuter with participating veterinarians and may help with emergency medical expenses. 

Check for upcoming spay/neuter clinics and other resources available for pets and their owners.

Visit Spay California for a list of veterinarians and/or clinics in Los Angeles County and neighboring areas.
neighboring animal services agencies

Open municipal shelter services available to Los Angeles City residents. Services provided include pet relinquishment, spay/neuter voucher program, adoptions and more. 

Animal sheltering services are provided to residents of Pasadena and 11 other cities including the City of Glendale. Services include spay/neuter discounts, adoptions and pet surrender.